Spinning Out Page 33
To everyone who provided me feedback on Arrow’s story along the way—especially Annie Swanberg, Heather Carver, Mira Lyn Kelly, and Samantha Leighton—you’re all awesome. Thank you for believing in my ability to tell this story when I was having doubts.
Thank you to the Terre Haute Police Department for answering my questions. I know they seemed weird and you didn’t buy for one second that it was research for a book, but four call transfers later, you gave me the information I needed. Thanks for that and for the chuckle.
Thank you to the team that helped me package this book and promote it. Sarah Hansen at Okay Creations designed my beautiful cover and did a lovely job branding the series. E.M. Tippetts, thank you for the beautiful formatting. Rhonda Edits and Lauren Clarke, thank you for the insightful line edits. Thanks to Arran McNicol at Editing720 for proofreading. A shout-out to all of the bloggers and reviewers who help spread the word about my books. I am humbled by the time you take out of your busy lives for my stories. You’re the best.
To my agent, Dan Mandel, for believing in this book years ago and staying by my side through tough career decisions. Thanks to you and Stefanie Diaz for getting my books into the hands of readers all over the world. Thank you for being part of my team.
To my NWBs—Sawyer Bennett, Lauren Blakely, Violet Duke, Jessie Evans, Melody Grace, Monica Murphy, and Kendall Ryan—y’all rock my world. I’m inspired by your tireless work and always encouraged by your friendship. Thank you for being a part of this journey.
To all my writer friends on Twitter, Facebook, and my various writer loops—especially to the Fast Draft Club and the All Awesome group—thank you for keeping me company during those fourteen-hour work days.
And last but certainly not least, a big thank-you to my fans—the coolest, smartest, best readers in the world. I owe my career to you. You’re the reason I get to do this every day and the reason I want to. I appreciate each and every one of you. You’re the best!
Spinning Out © 2016 by Lexi Ryan
All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this book. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from the author except by reviewers who may quote brief excerpts in connection with a review. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.
This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to institutions or persons, living or dead, is used fictitiously or purely coincidental.
Cover © 2016 Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations
Interior designed and formatted by: